Speed up with Lyrical
Push out faster lyric videos or synced lyrics support for your fans with accuracy and scale.
Use our tuned Artificial Intelligence to sync songs with their respective lyrics. You can choose how your lyrics are synced from single, double, or custom lines. We support a variety of genres and provide different formats to output.
“Lyrical has been highly beneficial in creating my lyric videos for my 5+ channels. Having the ability to make multiple videos simultaneously extremely quickly has saved me tons of time; it is easy and user-friendly. I highly recommended Lyrical for any music video creator needing synced lyrics.”
Need fast synced lyrics to popular songs? We can help you with our massive 7.90 Million collection of presynced lyrics. Search, modify, and download. Use our library for anything from lyric videos to karaoke night!
Fast syncs to build lyrics video at scale. No more boring hours of syncing lyrics by hand.
Fair pricing to match your needs. No hidden fees.
* The monthly fee is charged regardless of usage. Based on how many minutes you use, you will be charged the rate for that amount. For example, 10 songs at 3 minutes at $2.00 per minute with $10/month on the Basic Plan will be $70.00.
* There will be a price calculator during checkout to help you choose the best pricing.
* Please reach out for free trials or massive orders.
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Book a free demo to get started!Don't know how to get started? Book a free demo to start syncing!